Pat was a tower of strength to our whole family. 帕特是我们全家人的主心骨。
James Garner as Viviane's scarcely speaking husband is also a tower of silent strength even as he seems to give up on any change or improvement in the family situation. 占士加纳饰演慧云的丈夫,甚少说话,纵使他看似放弃改变或改善家庭,他却有著一股巨大的沈默力量。
The tube tower is subject to the stand tall, light structure, to which small deformation and great displacement occur easily under the action of the external load. So it is necessary to calculate the strength and deflection of the tube tower. 但管塔属高耸轻型结构,在外载作用下,易发生小变形大位移,必须计算管塔强度和挠度。
After my firing, Mary was really a tower of strength. 我被解职以后,玛丽的意志坚如磐石。
A tower of strength* pupils of a local school in Beijing collect moon cake boxes, with the proceeds donated to help pupils with financial difficulty. 北京一家学校的学生响应「常哦行动」收集月饼铁罐,卖得的钱,用来资助经济上有困难的小朋友。
Mr Foster is a tower of strength to his party. 福斯特先生是他的政党中流砥柱。
Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, a tower of strength for the fugitive. 作陌生人的家,受难者的止痛剂,逃亡者的力量之塔。
Uncle Jeff was a tower of strength when my husband died. I couldn't have kept going without him. 丈夫死后我全靠杰夫大叔了,没有他我真是过不下去。
In hours of ease a well-read, charming companion, she was a veritable tower of strength and a refuge in times of tribulation. 在生活安逸的时候,她是一个博学迷人的伙伴;在艰难困苦的时候,她是我们名副其实的靠山和避风港。
The Chinese people are the tower of strength in the realization of the four modernizations. 在实现四化的进程中,中国人民是力量之塔。
But who would have thought of small plain Melanie as a tower of strength? 可是谁会想到这个又瘦又小又平凡的媚兰竟是一座坚强的高塔啊?
Gymnastic star Li Ning who won three gold medals, two silver medals and one bronze at the Los Angeles Olympics in1984 was praised as a "tower of strength" by local newspapers in new york. 体操明星李宁在1984年洛杉矶奥运会上独得三枚金牌,两枚银牌和一枚铜牌。他被纽约的当地报约称为“力量之塔”。
The test results indicate that the beam and tower work at elastic state under the normal applying load. The design of the structure is rational, and has enough strength and stiffness, satisfying the design requirement. 试验结果表明主梁、塔在使用荷载下均处于弹性工作状态,桥跨结构设计合理,具有良好的强度与刚度,满足设计要求。
The experimental and numerical results indicate that the structure of the tower crane meets the demands of design in both strength and stability. 试验与计算的结果均表明该抱杆结构满足强度与稳定性设计要求,吊装过程中抱杆不会发生破坏。
College students are a tower of strength in society development, Shaping ecological ethics, that is the basement of development in an all-around way. 大学生是社会发展的中流砥柱,塑造生态道德,是实现社会全面发展的人力基础,在高校大学生中加强生态道德教育,塑造完整的生态道德,有利于社会发展。